I asked ChatGPT to write a poem about why it’s important to be prepared for emergencies. This was the result:

“In times of trouble, when disaster looms,
The ones who’ve prepared are saved from doom.
For emergencies come with little warning,
And leave destruction in their dawning.

But those who’ve planned and made a list,
Are much more likely to weather the twist.
With food and water, shelter and light,
They can endure through the darkest of night.

It’s not just supplies that make one ready,
But knowledge and skills to stay steady.
CPR, first aid, and fire safety too,
Can make all the difference for me and for you.

So take the time to prepare today,
For you never know what may come your way.
And if disaster strikes, you’ll be ready and strong,
To help yourself and those who belong.

For emergency preparedness is a must,
To keep us safe, and to earn our trust.
So let’s all do our part, and be prepared,
For when the unexpected is suddenly declared.” ChatGPT

Well, I’m impressed – the response was instantaneous. An emergency is much the same. It’s unexpected – requiring immediate action.

Take the time “for when the unexpected is suddenly declared”. If you can’t take care of yourself, it’s difficult to take care of others.

It’s Emergency Preparedness Week. Learn all about preparedness.
Click here to see what should go into your emergency kit: https://t.co/zkPJaZUMJW

Naomi Yamamoto
BC Earthquake Alliance